born in nijmegen, the netherlands, 1955
living in amsterdam, the netherlands
lived and worked in spain, tokyo, paris
rietveld academy of visual arts, amsterdam, 1976 – 1982

annelies viegers is fascinated by the organic forces within nature. these organic forces are the starting point of her work. forces like wind, growth, rain, mist and storm are the source of inspiration.
viegers visualizes these natural forces in sculptures and monumental drawings, organic forms, landscapes and trees.
the materials with which she works, she explores how to create a monumental form, how to capture the energy of the moment. sometimes this can be concrete and sometimes abstract. it is a subtle play where the proportions and colors lead to a monumental power.
the use of pure pigments, water and pastels, due to structure and rhythm, gives the work on paper a dynamic character and a strong emotional value.